Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The second installment of our trip, eh?

Day two of our trip involved driving up into Toronto earlier than anticipated.  Originally, we were going to ride the Maid of the Mist and see more of the falls, but Bailey had a rough cough, so we decided to hold off until possibly the end of our trip.  Mommy managed to talk Daddy into stopping at a Canadian shopping mall on our way in order to take advantage of the Gymboree sale that was only going on while we were in Canada.  For future reference, Gymboree is much more expensive in Canada and Canadian Gymbucks are useless.  Once we finally arrived in Toronto, we found our hotel and then went in search of the Royal Ontario Museum, known locally as the ROM.  It was hard to miss.  Bailey's favorite detail about the museum was that it housed dinosaur bones, in fact, rooms and rooms of dinosaur bones. She had told us on the way there that she'd dig for dinosaur bones like she's done in the past, and we shouldn't have ever doubted her because such an exhibit existed.  She knows more than her parents, which is always a shocking and humbling experience for us. 

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