Friday, November 16, 2007

Adding to Our Family

We're adding a new little girl to the family and we've already come up with a name.  Her name is now Heidi and Bailey is absolutely ecstatic to embrace her into our craziness of a household. 

Screwing with you aside, Santa needed our help this year providing for another family, so we took on the mission.  To ease confusion, we named the little girl of this family Heidi so it'd become more real to Bailey.  I told her about Heidi's situation and that her parents can't get her much for Christmas so Santa has enlisted us.  She was genuinely concerned that Heidi didn't have many toys of her own and wishes to remedy this.  And Bailey's dutifully accepted Santa's request and has started compiling a list of things she thinks Heidi wants and needs.  They include but not limited to Playdoh, blocks, a tricycle, and a Teddy Bear.  She does not feel that Heidi likes dolls, but has a suspicion that Heidi's favorite color is yellow.  Simple suggestions, but thoughtful nonetheless. 

Bailey has already asked about visiting Heidi, but I've explained that Heidi lives far away.  She's okay with that, as long as Heidi gets her presents.  Most importantly? Playdoh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome girl, I know you did this last year too and you did great, your a great women and family for doing that . Happy Holidays