Monday, October 29, 2007

Wild About Harry

I guess everybody has that Harry they're wild about in their life.  Mine's Harry Potter.  That's no secret.  And he's wild about me.  No secret there, either. Well, my daughter, yes, she has a Harry too.


If you've been to Wal-Mart lately, perhaps you've met Harry.  He hangs out there a lot.  In fact, he's there so often, he practically lives there.  But he loses his head a lot.  And sometimes, he's only half a person.  That happens, I suppose.  We won't hold it against him though because Bailey just adores him so.  And for the past month and a half, we visit Harry continuously.  She asks ALL THE TIME, "can we go see Harry, please?"  She also asks about Harry and how he's doing.  She's crazy about that guy, I'm telling you.



So, welcome to our world and meet Harry:




His name is indeed Headless Harry and Bailey isn't afraid of him at all.  Sometimes she'll act it, but it's just acting.  And lately, he's been vacant from Walmart stores across the nation, and finding himself in other party stores too.  He's just that awesome.  Wait till Bailey realizes Halloween's almost over and so will her relationship with Harry because she won't see Harry again until perhaps next year. 


She'll have to find someone else, something else to be wild over.

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