Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Bailey's unacceptable.  At least that's her version of events. 


My version is to explain that certain behaviors are unacceptable.  You see, Daily Bailey readers, I have a teenager.  She's a waifish sort of teenager trapped inside of a three year old's body, but particular behaviors indeed pass for a teenager.  Like, not wanting to wake up, unless it's not a school day.  She's not like most teenagers in the fact she likes school, loves school even, but she will not wake up for it.  A crash of lightning couldn't motivate this child.  A whip couldn't do it.  I certainly can't do.  She was this limp rug this morning as I kept moving her from place to place exclaiming, "you need to wake up for school!" to no avail.

But this is nothing new.  This is typical conversation for a school morning.  And then we get there late and I look like this terribly late, irresponsible parent, but really folks, I keep at it.  I shout.  I physically move her.  I've even thrown her in the tub once.  The lights have flickered and fluttered the disco dance.  I've threatened her (but only in a nice way, if there is such a thing).  And this morning, I warned her teachers that if Bailey tells them she can't go to school anymore to not be worried (or maybe relieved either) because there is an honest explanation. 

Bailey was told if she can't and won't wake up for school and get ready in a timely fashion, she won't get to go school anymore. 

I also admitted  to Bailey something along the lines of her behavior being unacceptable, something she repeated in the car as, "I'm unacceptable."  To the contraire my beautifully brilliant child.  You are not unacceptable at all.  But not waking up and getting ready and eating breakfast in an efficient manner?  Unacceptable.  Still on the living room carpet unmoving at 8:54 when preschool starts at 9:00?  Unacceptable.  But you, you are Acceptable.  Beyond. 

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