Monday, April 16, 2007

A Day with the Robinsons

Well, unfortunately, we don't mean the Robinsons we'd like to mean, but we did hang out with Wilbur Robinson's family for a bit Sunday afternoon.  We watched the movie Meet the Robinsons, based on the book A Day with Wilbur Robinson, a book I dearly love.  Bailey liked the movie tremendously, especially the part involving an erupting volcano and some fire ants.  She knows what life's all about.

After we finished watching the movie, we headed over to the Deanna Rose Farmstead for a short while before I had to get home and get ready to go to work.  Bailey remembered being there last fall, which I find amazing, but it shouldn't surprise me.  She remembers things from last spring...and even earlier.  With that memory of hers, I have to fear making any mistakes at all.

We hope to return to the farm very soon since we've spent such short intervals there both times we've visited.  We also hope to have more family time together.  And maybe some time, we can hang out with the real Robinsons.

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