Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A costume fit for a....

I wish I could answer this.

A while back, Daddy and Mommy decided that this year, Miss Bailey would get to pick out her costume.  We told her she could pick anything she wanted, as long as it wasn't a Dubbya costume.  Well, we're now rethinking this...


No, she didn't find a Dubbya costume her size (thank goodness) but Bailey indeed likes the scary costumes.  Her thoughts: Bloody?  Fabulous.  Frankstein?  Even better.  The mask from Scream or Freddy Kruger? AWESOME.  A skeleton?  "I want that one."

(And I know we agreed to let her be anything she wanted...but to cover up her beautiful face? I don't know if we can do that.  And blood?  She's far too cute for that, right?)

In fact, Bailey is bored by all of the "girl" costumes.  She only looks at the "boy" costumes and the most appropriate she's liked so far are Yoda and Superman. 


Yeah, this Halloween shall prove to be interesting.  Stay tuned to know what she'll be....

2 years old, 2 months late

Today, we finally had Bailey's two-year "well" visit to her doctor.  Okay, so she's been two for almost two and a half months, but, really, it's not our fault.  Getting into her office was almost as difficult as getting a straight answer out of Condi Rice.


Politics aside, obviously, it was hard to get an appointment.  Granted, we had no problem getting in two weeks ago by muttering the word "strep" (which she indeed had) but an actual check up?  Oh no.  We couldn't get that on time.  Next time, I'm going to mention more serious words...or not.  (But it is tempting.)


So, she's still in the fifth percentile on weight.  She's up in height as we'd guessed, thirty-four inches to be exact.  Her genius brain is as perfect as always.  Dr. Flint asked if Bailey spoke at least twenty words and I laughed.  Then Bailey pointed out all the fruit in the drawing that was on the door (and the colors) for the good doctor and she commented on Bailey's fabulous vocabulary.  I always do love the questions they ask.  "How does she do with stairs?"  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  Yeah...moving on.


She had a Hep A shot and she did MARVELOUS.  She's so awesome.  her favorite part was the "rabbit" Band-aid.  And if you call it a bunny, she'll correct you, unless you say "bunny rabbit."  She's as particular about words as I am.  (Shocking from my child, yeah?)


The best part?  We don't have to go back until she's THREE!


...Unless of course she gets sick again...let's avoid that, okay?


Monday, September 25, 2006

Things overheard from my mouth on Friday...

"Hey!  I know you may not like shopping for clothes now, but in a couple years...yeah, I'm going to remind you of this experience."


"Next time, I am so having your father do this."


"It's amazing just how quickly the tears dry the moment shoes are mentioned."


(This was while we were shopping for some fall outfits if you couldn't tell.  I at least managed to get some laughs from witnesses.)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Day 4: Trip Pics




Yes, this takes forever.

A Tisket, A Tasket

I thought I better take the moment right this second to share what Bailey was just doing, otherwise, I may never share it (since I have a long list of unshared Bailey data).

Bailey was holding a basket from the entry room and skipping throughout the living room, the basket swinging both ways, and from Bailey's sweet voice the sing-song, "a basket, a basket."  I also need to note that Bailey had stuffed the basket full of three little decorative pillows that say, "Live," "Laugh," and "Love." 

It's fabulous to see she's doing just that.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Day 3: Trip Pics



I'm getting there.  Only two more days to go!

Day 2: Trip Pics




Again, enjoy.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Day 1: Trip Pics



I still have to write an actual article about our trip for her page, and I'm in the process of adding photos onto her site.  However, these are the ones that didn't quite make the cut.  Enjoy.  I know I did.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Word Nazi

Sometimes I wonder if I did this whole "first words" thing wrong.  I see and hear so many people that count sounds as first words, and well, I didn't do that.  I didn't count a word until it had perfect pronunciation, or at least as close as it could possibly be.  Sure, she said things where I knew what she meant...but I didn't count those things onto her word list.

The reason I bring this up, is because I think I've given myself a complex as I hear people go on about "well, my kid says this..." when of course it sounds like "mu-moo" or something else utterly ridiculous and it's supposed to be "chair" or something.  Okay, so not quite that bad, but close.  I didn't even count words until she hit it just right.  Yeah, I have high expectations, but HEY, at least she manages to get away with "wion."  See, I can be reasonable...

I can.

Labor Day, Belated.

On Labor Day, Bailey and I made the trek from Ottawa, Ks to Lexington, Mo.  Bailey hadn't seen her Grandma Doni since Christmastime, so it was due time, past due even.  Grandma Doni though does not live in Lexington, but luckily she lives closeby.  We met up at Great Aunt Teri's house which had many breakables, none interesting Bailey, but she did have cats, which highly interested Miss B.  In fact, that's how I talked her into going.  Yeah, I had to break out the cat bribe.  If you want Bailey to do something for you, mention animals.  If you're a predator though, choke on that information.

All joking aside, we made it there and Bailey instantly asked about the cats, not forgetting a step.  She found her first feline victim, who actually didn't mind Bailey.  Not all the cats shared this opinion though.  Smart kitties. :)

Grandma Doni brought Bailey lots and lots of presents.  Out of all of the spectacular things she received, her favorite was a bouncy ball.  Go figure.



We're Back...

Okay, so if you didn't know, for the past several days, we've been in Denver, Colorado.  We drove back yesterday.  If you're wanting pictures, be patient, I'm working on providing them for you.  However, while you wait, I finally added captions to the last half of the August photos on Bailey's website.  I still have loads of anecdotes I never shared from last month, nor the first portion of this month, and then many more from our trip.  Again, be patient.  I'll get there.


Tuesday, September 5, 2006


I updated pictures last night in the August folder.  Hopefully I'll create a September one tonight.  I can't make any promises since I'm also incredibly busy. 


Not this past Sunday, but the Sunday before, we finally made it to the Depot Museum in town along with Bailey's grandparents.  It was a marvelous time. 


I've missed so many updates...and I may never get to them, but please note, they're safely stored away in my brain.  Thank goodness for that.

Friday, September 1, 2006

Sleepwalking...but not today

Lately, Bailey has been insisting upon taking a walk to the park.  On Wednesday, we went to the park, but she did not want to play.  She just wanted me to keep taking the path around the park, while she relaxed nicely in her stroller.  This proved profitable, since she fell asleep and I made it home in time for her to still sleep while I mowed the back yard (and partially a side).  Thursday proved the same results, only this time, I mowed the front and the other side.  Three laps around, and out.  She was asleep.

Today, I was hoping for the same results but learned that the third time is not always a charm.  By the fourth lap, Bailey wanted out to play.  We were at the park for about an hour and twenty minutes.  There was no actual napping involved.  There was no nap at all today.  I guess Bailey knew that luckily, Mommy had no more yard to mow.