Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The things a Mommy gets to witness

On Sunday, while Bailey's Daddy was at the Chiefs game, Mommy and Bailey hung out at home contemplating Christmas decorations.  Then, Mommy got to see the cutest thing ever, Bailey was walking around in Mommy's shoes!  She hadn't done this before, but maybe that's because Mommy used to just wear flip flops or her Crocs.  I still haven't checked to see if the photos turned out.

Sunday was the same day Daddy had them meet him in Olathe at 5 so Mommy could have some away-from-home-time with Jamie.  It wasn't even raining at home, but soon after Mommy and Bailey were on the highway, but far enough where it was too late to turn around, the rain came down, very, very hard.  It was scary.  It'd ease up, and it'd get worse again, and just as Mommy thought it was bad enough, it got so much worse once they got on their exit.  At the stoplight, the rain was coming down so hard on the car, it shook and sounded like the car was being beaten up brutally.  Instead of being scared or crying though, Bailey giggled.  Yeah, she giggled.  She found the experience amusing, rather than traumatizing. 

I admire how fearless she is.  But I must admit, it worries me a lot too.

Anyway, after Mommy panicked just a bit and then unfogged her windows when she realized that was half the problem (but two other people had the same problem, so don't laugh) they made it safely to their designated meet-up point.  I have to wonder how many people meet in that same location to swap things.  Drugs, divorce documents, children.

Then Monday, she sneezed a real sneeze (as opposed to her typical fake ones) and she actually covered her nose and mouth when she did so.  It was precious, even though it may be such a tiny thing to most people.  She's amazing.

Yesterday, Bailey had her first non-vaccination-related-fever.  She still has it today too and it just keeps getting higher, even with the baby Tylenol.  She won't eat either and she just continuously sleeps, which isn't like her at all.  The sleeping part that is.  But she even passed up good stuff to eat yesterday.  She moans a lot and whines and it's quite heartbreaking.  As soon as her doctor's office opens, I'm calling.

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