Saturday, November 26, 2005

Harry Potter and the lost shoe

Bailey's father and mother finally were able to see the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in the theater today.  Their last attempt failed miserably when everyone in the theater, well, even the whole casino, were evacuated due to reasons unknown.  So, we tried this all over again today and this time, it was a success.  The movie was seen and enjoyed, and Bailey got to spend some quality time with her grandparents.

She keeps them busy too, just like she does for her fortunate parental duo.  Grandpa had a mildly amusing story to share.  While outside playing with one Miss Bailey, he suddenly noticed she was missing a shoe.  The search was on and was producing no results.  He learned that it's almost impossible to find a tan suede shoe among the brown grass and leaves.  He had to call for reinforcements, so Grandma aided in the search mission.  Luckily, two detectives are indeed better than one and Bailey has given everyone yet another story to share with the world and later laugh about.  She's quite sweet.

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