Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Fear of Needles Comes in Handy

There are a couple things positive about people who are scared of needles- they're probably not going to go around stabbing themselves with any sort of object just because they're upset, they're not as likely to inject certain "products," and they're probably not keen on body piercings. These following ideas more than make up for the times my Redhead is screaming in the doctor's office and having to be held down just so the nurse can prick her finger for an anemia test.

We were playing Bailey's new Wii Princess game that Grandma graciously gave us and you get to pick out earrings for your character and Bailey was just changing her cute little character up a bit and so I asked her a question since we were picking out earrings after all. "So, are you going to get your ears pierced?" Now, don't tell Daddy the part where I asked the question, because he will NOT approve at all, but yes, I asked it. BUT, I only asked it because I knew what her reaction would be, because we've been down this merry little lane before.

"NO!" Bailey proclaims as she holds on to her precious little earlobes. "That would hurt. I'll just wear fake earrings. But maybe someday when I get married I will."

I have to admit, I like that idea. Not so much the marriage idea, but that it's in the far off future. Yeah, I'm rather fond of that part and the part where maybe, just maybe, she's not so likely to show up one day with her nose pierced.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Your Annual Dose of Us!

I know some people are probably going through withdrawal (cough, ha), so I'll post this here for their well-being. Wait...does anyone actually read this??? If so, you poor things. Just in case I do have devoted fans though, or more like people just that bored, I will indulge them just this once.

If you received this newsletter with your Christmas card, I apologize. I didn't mail them out to everyone though!

Drumroll please....

Dear Family and Friends, and anyone in between—

I don’t know about you, but 2009 felt like it flew right by, barely giving us much time to enjoy it, let alone savor it. But what an adventure of a year it was!

In late January, we had no choice but to embrace “out with the old” as our ancient Saturn died leaving a very cold redhead and I no choice but to walk in eight degree weather one morning. It was indeed dead and beyond repair and without any hesitation, we found the perfect fit in another Honda Fit, now proudly owning not only our 2007 Honda Fit, but a silver 2009 Honda Fit as well.

Our first trip of the year didn’t happen until the last week in April as we flew off to Florida again. (Oh how we love their sunshine.) We flew into Orlando and drove to our timeshare in Daytona where we enjoyed a week of our ocean view. Also on this vacation we took three different trips to Orlando’s Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure where we ate breakfast with Spiderman and the Cat in the Hat, met Spongebob in person, hated the Simpsons ride, loved the Jaws ride, and hung out with the Grinch. Other highlights included discovering Portuguese man-of-war’s on the shore as well as finding our first whole sand dollar, spotting manatees swimming right under the dock in New Smyrna, seeing some huge sloth bones at the Museum of Art and Sciences, and eating dessert in a racecar at the Cruisin’ CafĂ©.

In May, Bailey graduated preschool and we prepared for life as a Kindergartner. We also had our dance recital where Bailey sailed magnificently on the Good Ship Lollipop. It was such a proud moment in our lives!

We celebrated Bailey’s fifth birthday in July at the Great Wolf Lodge and had an out of this world birthday party. Her party was space themed and she made such an awesome astronaut. Soon after Bailey’s birthday, we celebrated Mommy’s thirtieth birthday at Sesame Place near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This was such a fabulous vacation as we discovered much of what Philadelphia offered like the Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Bailey really wanted to see mummies), the Franklin Institute, a Phillies game, the Liberty Bell, a Ride the Ducks tour, IKEA (a first in our lives), the Academy of Natural Sciences, and the Please Touch Museum. Other area excursions were to the Crayola Factory in Easton, Pennsylvania, the Jersey Shore, visiting family in Mantua, New Jersey and the Discovery Museum in Cherry Hill. We were so busy on that trip; I think I probably left out quite a few things.

Bailey started Kindergarten in August and still amazes us constantly. She’s reading and doing subtraction and addition, as well as maintaining her active imagination. She also started tumbling and a ballet and tap combination class. She has a lot of energy and is putting it to great use as well as never ceasing to make us beam with pride.

Other key moments of the year included Sesame Street Live, Disney on Ice, converting the front room into a play room for Bailey, visiting Thomas the train again, a landscaping project, a week of ballet princess camp during the summer, fall soccer, and celebrating Daddy’s fortieth birthday at the Great Wolf Lodge. Life was full of so much adventure we can only wonder what 2010 will hold!

We wish you just as many adventures with a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Rob, Terra, and Bailey
(Aerial and Fudge too)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

We quite possibly have a swordfighter on our hands

Right now, as I type before bedtime, my precious Redhead is finishing up sword fighting on our new Sports Resort game on our Wii. And she's quite good at it and has been since she first tried it yesterday afternoon. She's currently undefeated and still as fearless as always.

I'm constantly amazed by her vigor for such things and her fearless nature. The moment she tried it yesterday, she went at it in a fit of giggles, jumping up and down and defeating her opponent within seconds, at a much faster pace than her father had. And she did it again and again, almost the same speed each and every time.

Just another reason we shouldn't have swords at her next birthday. I'm not going to be happy if I have to be on blood splatter/bio hazard clean-up duty. No, not happy at all.