Sunday, May 17, 2009

Worm Experiments

Bailey couldn't wait to start moving tenants in to her worm farm she got for Christmas from Aunt Susie's tribe. (Of course, Aunt Susie didn't know they were getting her such a contraption since we used a gift certificate they gave her way back in 2006 to purchase that as well as a couple other novelty science kits.) But that's not the point of this entry. Oh no. Is there a point?


Bailey was so ecstatic to get some fresh worms in to her habitat and then she came across the book again that came with it. And in it were "worm experiments" so after a couple days of reminding Daddy, my little scientists were on their way to doing evil deeds to some poor worms. Imagine my surprise when I discovered them conducting experiments on the coffee table.

I was a tad worried about dissection scarring my badly beaten living room furniture, but they assured me all would be okay. In fact, these were not the kind of experiments I had been expecting.

Now why was I expecting worms being sawed in half like a magician's model? (I do recall being overly helpful as a child and when my father told me how helpful worms were to his garden, I ended up later being found cutting worms in half all in the name of assistance, thinking I was doing a great favor. I really had believed I was helping.) But that was me, and not Bailey. No, my little Einstein was following these careful directions and I was impressed by their actual experiments.

The worms were tested to see what they thought about apples and soap. Shockingly, they preferred the apple juices over the soap residue. So odd. Once the worms were finished with their taste test and were caught escaping, back they went into my never-will-be-used-again-as-long-as-I-shall-live container. I'm assuming they took them back outside afterwards. (These were different worms, and not worm-farm occupants.)

Monster Mayhem

I think we've known for quite some time that we've had a little actress on our hands (whether we wanted one or not). But now you can see the drama for yourselves too!

I'd like to point out that each and every time she'd walk around, examine each creature carefully then stand behind it and make the appropriate face. We did not ask her to take these photos, nor to pose for them. She chose this all on her own.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Escargot is in season

Tonight, Bailey enthusiastically brought me a little backyard friend. She's certainly finding them all over the place lately. "Rescuing" them as she avidly claims. Yeah, I'm sure there will be many, many more in our future. I'm just hoping she stays away from their cousins twice-removed, the slugs.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

We were missed

A certain somebody missed us while we were gone. Surprisingly enough, we missed her crazy antics while we were gone too.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Oh Barnacles!

"Oh Barnacles!" is yet another lovely quote we've managed to learn from Dear 'Ol Spongebob Squarepants, my longtime nemesis and never-has-been-friend. But this particular quote came in handy today as I discovered this living, breathing (albeit creepy) creature on the balcony of our vacation condo. Now if you're rather curious how it made it to our seventh floor, it's because he hitched a ride on this fantastic coral that I found while shell-seeking on the beach the night before. And when I realized something was alive, the genius that I am put it out on my balcony because I didn't want to smell it later. (I honestly figured it was close to death, so I didn't think it'd be worth a trip back out to the ocean to save.) Well, here it is, twelve hours later and STILL alive, so that earned him a one way ticket back into the ocean water and a feature on my blog. What a lucky little barnacle he is!