Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What kind of parents are we?

"What kind of mother...."  my husband starts with.

At the time, we were leaving the store after buying some car necessities and a few groceries.  We were traipsing through the parking lot, so when he started with this, it could've gone anywhere. 

...dresses or allows their children to dress like that. 

...speaks to her children so crudely. 

...lets her children behave that way. 


Or there's, "...takes her kid out in public with her pants on backwards."  And suddenly my mind flashed to when Bailey put her pants back on earlier on her own.  And then I came to the sudden realization that there's a high possibility that she put them on backwards because she does do that.  I find it funny though that neither one of us ever noticed all the while we were out in public until the very end, and he of all people noticed when he took her up front as I checked out.



There could've been worse things to have missed.  Right?


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