Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Right to Party

Yesterday, I stopped to ask one of Bailey's teachers about a holiday party because it'd never been mentioned to me.  She was honest with me and said that with the two canceled days because of weather conditions and all their sick kids (between the two main teachers, they have a total of six children) they hadn't gotten around to it.  Completely understandable.  It really is.

I'd wanted to do some things anyway, but I had gotten sidetracked and I think I was waiting to hear about a party and then offer my own help.  Well, here was my opportunity and if you recall my teaching days, I LOVED holidays.  And if you know me as a mother, I LOVE holidays and parties.  I do have some mad party skills up my sleeve.  So with their permission, Bailey and I went on a trek for the perfect Christmas pinata.  Then we went on a mission to find essential pinata stuffing ingredients.  And somehow along the way, we also picked up punch, cups, napkins, plates, cupcakes, and treat bags to put the pinata goodies in afterwards.  We brought our very own pinata stick along, but it's only on loan.

Bailey's all about pinatas and parties.  And this morning it was especially important because her behavior yesterday was something out of the Exorcist.  I'm not sure what possessed her, but it wasn't pretty.  And the worst of it was her throwing the fit of all fits inside my place of employment, flailing about like demon-possessed crazy woman and screaming like a banshee.  Terrible, I tell you, terrible.  You would've thought she was two.  And her reasoning?  The one thing she kept screaming about?  The fact I was using a cart because I'm not creative enough to hold her and a bunch of items all simultaneously.

But that was yesterday.  And today is today.  And hopefully when I pick her up in about ten minutes, I'll have some pictures to view from the party.  Because I left them one condition: take pictures.  I also left my camera inorder for this condition to take place.  I even taught them how to work it.

I look forward most to Bailey telling me about the pinata, because she STILL talks about the pinata at her pirate party.  Maybe I'll actually tell you about it someday.

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