Friday, November 30, 2007

Daddy Started His New Job

Last night, Daddy started his new job.  What is his new job might you ask?  He's now a librarian.  I guess he's following in his mother's footsteps after all and using that new MBA degree productively.


How did this job come to be?  Well, ask Bailey.  She's the one who landed him the new position.


She's also the one that has deemed our massive book collection a library.


She's also the one who told Daddy he was a librarian and proceeded to check out as many books as she could reach from our towering bookcases and have Daddy stamp each and every one before she could read them.


By the way, it's going to take a long time to put them all back on the shelves, back in alphabetical order.  Luckily, Daddy's the librarian.

If only we could get up this early on school mornings...

No more explanations needed.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

You're not going to believe me

Last night, I was dropping something off at work for a supervisor.  I had Bailey in tow, mostly because she'd insure I'd get out of there in a timely fashion. (That, and the fact I had nowhere else to leave her.)  While waiting, a lady saw Bailey and commented, "Look at that red hair.  Maybe her hair will get that red too."  And by her, she meant her infant granddaughter.  Her daughter, the child's mother commented, "Oh God I hope not."  Her mother had an expression of horror, but the mother who said such a thing immediately saw my face and said, "I mean..." and watching her back track and eat crow was the best dessert.


She explained it was beautiful on Bailey, or something to that extent, and I will secretly agree with her that her interracial child probably wouldn't look quite the same with the same shade of red hair that my Bailey wears so beautifully.  The grandmother still seemed pretty shocked though.  And when I think about it, it does seem strange to hear someone not desire this head of hair, except me of course.  Because unlike most people, I know exactly how much work it requires.


But some things are worth working for.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

An Apology to Our Dear Readers

This past year I've been an incredibly lousy scribe.  And maybe it's because I get really overwhelmed.  Or maybe it's because if I'm not home with Bailey, I'm at work.  And maybe if I'm not at work, I'm just really, really tired.  There are so many excuses and few actually excuse me.  But if you're tapping your fingers wondering where pictures are or if I'll ever get to them, please know that I spend more time agonizing over my to-do list than you could ever possibly imagine.


But regardless of the time to do these things I think I should do, most importantly, I still spend some seriously vital, mucho-fun-filled-memory-filled time with Bailey.  And that's all that matters.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Adding to Our Family

We're adding a new little girl to the family and we've already come up with a name.  Her name is now Heidi and Bailey is absolutely ecstatic to embrace her into our craziness of a household. 

Screwing with you aside, Santa needed our help this year providing for another family, so we took on the mission.  To ease confusion, we named the little girl of this family Heidi so it'd become more real to Bailey.  I told her about Heidi's situation and that her parents can't get her much for Christmas so Santa has enlisted us.  She was genuinely concerned that Heidi didn't have many toys of her own and wishes to remedy this.  And Bailey's dutifully accepted Santa's request and has started compiling a list of things she thinks Heidi wants and needs.  They include but not limited to Playdoh, blocks, a tricycle, and a Teddy Bear.  She does not feel that Heidi likes dolls, but has a suspicion that Heidi's favorite color is yellow.  Simple suggestions, but thoughtful nonetheless. 

Bailey has already asked about visiting Heidi, but I've explained that Heidi lives far away.  She's okay with that, as long as Heidi gets her presents.  Most importantly? Playdoh.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Another Ploy Failed

Bailey was completely uninterested in leaving the bath tub.  This is after screaming for seven minutes that she didn't want a bath, after convincing me prior to this that she needed a bath something fierce.  Then, after screaming in the tub, she then screamed for approximately another seven minutes that she wanted the water turned back on NOW.  Then, once she calmed down, when she did get more water, she then stayed in for another ten minutes and refused to get out.  During this, I think somewhere during the time she needed the water turned back on, or maybe when I wanted her out (who knows), I told her that her throat would feel better with a popsicle.  This was after I explained to her that all her screaming would only make her feel worse.  But about that popsicle?  She told me, "I don't want a popsicle.  That would make me SO sick."


Well, she is the doctor.


Of course, after she finally decided to depart the waters, she announced that "maybe a popsicle would make my throat feel better."


Oh what a fickle doctor indeed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Giving Thanks

Bailey is thankful for:












And pumpkins!


Anything else?


"No, I don't have something else.  But we have pumpkins here."

A Super Family

According to Bailey:


Daddy keeps the monsters away and you keep the ducks away.  Daddy throws the monsters in the trash can and you throw the ducks there.



And as she went on about that, she exclaimed, "And I keep the bears away!" 


And then she spoke about da bears.