Thursday, January 31, 2008

These little moments...

Last night I tucked my child into bed, something I don't get to do enough because I'm rarely home in the evenings.  Because of this, when I am home, she demands to go to bed with me.  We read two books and while laying there, she told me "you're my most favorite Mommy in the whole wide world."  I thanked her and told her she was my most favorite person in the whole wide world and she said, "why thank you, Mommy."


I'll have to remember that next time she tells me she's mad at me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I was totally flushed on Monday.  It was indeed a Monday, not that I know what Mondays feel like for most people, because mine occur after working at least sixteen hours with the naughty society.  And then I get to recreate the routine I try so hard to have with my child all over again.  Nonetheless, it was indeed a Monday.


I woke up on Monday morning not all that happy to wake up.  Bailey had an accident in her bed which is really not that big of a deal.  It just meant a load of laundry.  I'm okay with that.  It was the hour I spent fixing my e-mail mailbox and group mail online because my mailbox was full that annoyed me.  Or the fact I discovered my back door had the wind knocked out of it, rather had the glass knocked out due to the wind, leaving shattered glass all over my deck.  Or that my child used a roll and a half of toilet paper in the potty and clogged it up, and instead of telling her mother, distracted her mother, convinced her mother to play with her only to tell her mother an hour later, "No, don't go in there, you can't go in there!" for her mother to discover in absolute horror that water was all over the bathroom in its still-being-remodeled state and was still running.  If you understood any of that rambling, it meant a lot of water and me with my "oh my gosh things are going to mold" paranoia running around trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do. 


It's not the first time she's done such a thing either.  And it's not so much the waste of toilet paper.  Or the clog.  It's the not telling me it happened that placed her on the list of shame.  It left me a little flushed to say the least.  And we're going to be rationing toilet paper for years to come after this as well perhaps checking the state of the bathroom every single time she exits the premises.  And hopefully someday my carpet outside of the bathroom and the basement will dry.  Because the water creeped under the door as well as to the floor below.  Water everywhere.  Good times.


I must say though, after working as a Mommy all day, going to work in the evening after a day like that really is like play time.  Even if I was a little flushed.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Snail Says...



Bailey was creating some masterpieces on the dining room table, decorating the works with stickers.  She found some cat stickers and appropriately said that the kitties say, "meow."  Of course.  We've known that forever.  But then she nonchalantly added, "a snail says 'meow' too."


I think I'm attributing that tiny bit of false information to the ever-educational Spongebob Squarepants.  Sigh.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Tattletale Tattles a Tale

Bailey told me her bottom hurt and was kind of rubbing it.  "It happened yesterday," she said.  "Daddy did it yesterday."


"...With a hammer."


Now I expressed to her my doubts that such an act with a hammer would have occurred to which she answered, "but why?"


Then a few minutes later she admitted that her "hip still hurts." 

"I think a monster scratched it."  She then told me that she needed something to make it feel better.  She had me kiss her hip and then said she still needed something else to make it feel better.  Her suggestion?  "Dessert."


We put it in the suggestions box, but her request has yet to be fulfilled.


If you eat poop, it turns you into a zombie.

Friday, January 18, 2008

It looks just like him


She calls this one, "Daddy," as if I should have to clue you in.  It's too obvious.



More from the gallery to come later.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

And he wonders about me...

Daddy told Mommy tonight that Bailey and he watched a show on Comedy Central that was totally something Mommy's warped sense of humor would relate to.  This guy sings incredibly funny songs and that Bailey really, really enjoyed them.  So, Mommy went and looked up Stephen Lynch and yeah, she was incredibly shocked that she wasn't familiar with a lot of his work.  A couple things sounded vaguely familiar, but listening to some of his comical songs, she knew she loved him.  He's awesome.  However, I think I'm slightly disturbed that Bailey shares my bad sense of humor.  And if you listened to his work, you'd probably be glaring at Daddy for letting Bailey listen to it, because trust me, Mommy was glaring.  But it's inevitable.  She is going to turn out as warped as we are.  It's only a matter of time.

Friday, January 11, 2008

A Drink Request

Bailey would like a glass of milk to go with her peanut and jelly sandwich, please. 



Sea horse milk.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Expecting Company

Bailey informed me today that we were having company.  I wasn't aware, but I'm fortunate she let me in on the plans.  Who is our pending guest?  None other than the Cat in the Hat.  Oh yes, folks.  It's true.  He's coming to OUR house.  And according to Bailey, he's going to "use your white dress to clean up the walls, Mother."  It's true.  My walls could probably use a good cleaning.  But I need a white dress first.


And perhaps we read, The Cat in the Hat Comes Back entirely too much.  Either way, I must get ready for his arrival.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year from the Exhausted

I brought in the new year in style- with a massive mind-bending headache, the kind that made my entire body tense up.  No, I wasn't hung over due to new year excitement.  I was too busy working until the ball dropped at midnight for all that glam and my own drunken stupor.  And my apologies to you if you were around me today and I didn't seem all cheery and was just quiet and serious looking.  I do that.  It's one of my many skills.

And my headache is still present and accounted for, but I can tell you that I know this will be another fabulous year because each year I have been blessed by Bailey has been more phenomenal than the previous. 


Happy New Year's to you and yours.