Wednesday, August 29, 2007

An Apology to the Cat

There are so many times that dear Bailey probably owes our Cat Aerial an apology.  I'm sure the cat can think of even more times than I can, starting from the day we brought Bailey home.  This morning, Bailey gave Aerial the most sincerest of all apologies that the cat HAD to have felt it too.


So the monster, as in the three year old, throws fits sometimes, fake fits.  They're not even real.  I can deal with real ones better than I can these faux tantrums with this whiny twinge and exaggerated noises.  I assure you, they could drive the sanest of the sane to commit abuse.  And sometimes, I find my grown-up self playing along, mimicking every octave and every alto whimper.  Immature, maybe, but sometimes I just can't help myself.

This morning was not that immature moment.  I was desperate to get her ready for school because I knew she'd regret this later, as would I.  And those fake cries were so bothersome after all...  So I told her that Aerial wanted her to stop and that she was hurting the cat's ears, and they were the only ears she had.  Now, I'm sure that the cat would agree with me.  The cat most likely could've done without the fake tantrum too (in fact, the cat would honestly like to do without Bailey's existence at all, but oh well).  And those really are the only ears the cat will ever have.  Shortly after I explained the cat's dilemma to Bailey, she stopped her faux tantrum and as we were getting ready, she excused herself for a second because she just had to see the cat.  She told me she had to apologize to the cat.  Actually, she asked permission.  And in the sweetest little voice, with little snifflings that only true sincerity finds, she told Aerial the Cat that she was sorry; that "I'm sorry I hurt your ears." 


I didn't get to videotape it, but it was one of the most darling gestures I have ever witnessed, especially since it was fueled by own selfish attempt at efficiency.

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