Monday, March 26, 2007

The Jitterbug I Miss

I was making fun of Wham! the other day (I mean, who doesn't make fun of Wham!?).  Anyhow, I was making fun of them and started singing "Jitterbug" when I suddenly recalled when Bailey was an infant and I'd sing just that one word "Jitterbug" in as close to a George Michael/Wham! voice as I possibly could, and she'd start laughing uncontrollably.  It was one of the most joyful moments of my life.  My child found just as much humor in Wham! as I did.  That's probably when I definitely knew we were forever soulmates, no questions about it.


So,  after reminding her father of our Wham! days, something he wanted to forget, to his horror, I sang that one catch phrase in front of Bailey and she sort of laughed, but instead of the same fit of giggles, she said, "What is Mommy doing?  Jitterbug?  What?"  It was funny, but it wasn't that tummy rolling laughter of giddiness as it used to be; the kind of laughing that brought tears to everyone's eyes over one simple word such as "jitterbug."


I sure do miss that jitterbug.  And here I never thought I'd ever miss Wham!.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Irish for the Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


For those of us (responsible people) with offspring, we found alternative methods for spending the day rather than drinking until our livers packed up and left for healthier bodies with retirement benefits.  We went to the parade in Lawrence (we're not brave enough for the Kansas City one) and found that Lawrence brings in a fairly large crowd.  We weren't expecting that at all, so the congestion go to us, and most importantly, it got to Bailey.  Towards the end, we bailed, and found that down the road, closer to our car, and closer to where the end was waiting to find the crowds of spectators, that was a much more pleasant viewing area.  Before that, it was utter chaos.  Enjoy the photos, who knows when I'll share some again.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Bowling for Bread

On Sunday, I brought home a loaf of French bread and Bailey was absolutely ecstatic (just as her father was).  Daddy cut her a piece from the end as she requested and I caught her eating it quite strangely.  There she was on the couch, sitting oh so comfortably, and she was digging out the middle of it, and it ended up being a little bowl.  Then she asked for more, and did the same with the opposite end.  She took a few bites of the crust, but by then she was full.  It was extremely adorable to witness.  I didn't take any pictures, but it too cute to not mention.