Friday, November 24, 2006

A hard knock worth waiting for.

You probably want to check out the latest photos in Bailey's November album on her website.  Trust me.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


'Tis Thanksgiving Day, officially, and I have never been more thankful in my life than I am right now.  Then again, how could I not be?  I have the smartest redhead in all of the galaxy as my daughter...and she has dimples too!


Now if only she would nap...but hey....who am I to be greedy?

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Fearless Child Finally Finds Fear

She has tackled monsters of all sorts, skeletons, ghosts, any breed of dogs, dinosaurs, and a balance beam, and finally, we have found something our fearless child fears....


The Teletubbies and the Boobahs.


Yeah, I can understand that too.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

The Youngest Voter

My Bailey went with me today to vote (okay, so I guess yesterday).  As I explained to her at least five times today (or yesterday), there are few things more important than voting.  Breathing, drinking water, voting.  That about sums it up.  Everything else just comes second.


She wasn't really happy about this experience, and how quickly she forgets it all from 2004 (okay, so she wasn't even four months then...).  She liked playing with the curtain and surprisingly, she was concentrating more on her claustrophia-causing surroundings than the fact I had a pen in my hands with paper (whew!).  Normally she tries to pull ink pens from my hands and scribble all over my paper, especially when I can't dodge her swift moves and relentless grasps.


I will tell you, to anyone who uses the excuse, "I couldn't vote, I'm home with my child," I laugh at you, okay?  I really laugh at you.  And what kid doesn't want to get a "I Voted" sticker after it's all over with?  It's like getting a nifty Band-Aid after an injection.  ALL BETTER!  Bailey certainly sported hers proudly.  Okay, so that was after she told the woman quite hatefully, "NO," and then put it on in the car.  And then later, she dumped water all over it...but hey, it was all worth it.  Just look at the voting results!